

Founder of Triangle Remote Workers & Digital Nomads

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Remote Working in the Triangle: April Newsletter 🐇

Happy April, co-remote workers of the Triangle! After a regrettably long hiatus from this newsletter, we're back, and hopefully have some news good enough to make it worth the wait. One thing you might have noticed recently is a slight change in our name/logo. We're now Triangle Remote Workers & Digital Nomads. There are a few reasons for tacking on the "& Digital Nomads" bit. When I first started this group nearly three years ago, I was a bit torn about whether to frame it as a group for...

about 2 months ago • 9 min read

Happy May, co-remote workers of the Triangle! We seem to be in that brief window between cold winter, brutally humid summer and the mighty pollen storms, so I hope you're making the most of it! In our last newsletter, I shared some of my favorite apps related to remote working, which seemed to be useful to some of you. So this month I'm sharing some podcasts I've found insightful relating to the remote lifestyle. Podcasts are easy to do, but very difficult to do well. I've come across dozens...

about 1 year ago • 6 min read

Happy March, co-remote workers of the Triangle! Despite what the groundhog predicted last month, Spring seems to have come early to the Triangle this year as we've already seen multiple 80 degree-plus days leading into March. Hopefully you're making the most of it and flocking back to some of your favorite outdoor venues to remote work. We'll certainly start hosting events at some of our favorite outdoor spots soon, so stay tuned on our Meetup page. Being that many of us will be heading...

about 1 year ago • 6 min read

Happy end of January co-remote workers of the Triangle! If you're anything like me, January tends to be a time of frugality...and even financial anxiety. There's the bank account crater left from the holidays, tax time is coming up, and lately, talk of inflation and possible recession is constantly in the headlines. To boot, it seems almost every day another big tech company announces thousands of layoffs. Even high-earning remote workers can't help but feel nervous. Could you juggle multiple...

over 1 year ago • 6 min read

Happy December co-remote workers of the Triangle! If you're like me, you've entered the year-end mad dash to get all your work and shopping done before the holidays, so I'll keep the intro short and sweet. Don't forget to take care of yourself during what can be a very stressful time, often exacerbated by the winter-weather blues that can creep up on you this time of year – especially if you're stuck inside working from home most days. Take breaks from your work, walk outside a bit, get out...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hello co-remote workers of the Triangle! The pumpkin spice lattes and ghost-shaped cookies are out at coffee shops around town, which means it's fall in the Triangle! I hope you're capitalizing on the nice cool weather to work outdoors while you can, because soon, it will unfortunately be time to head back inside for most of our work hours. So in this newsletter I'd like to talk a bit about something that can significantly affect the way we work, but that few ever think about: the air we...

over 1 year ago • 6 min read

Hello co-remote workers of the Triangle! The summer's brutal heat finally seems to be abating and the best season for outdoor remote work is upon us. Ideally you'd all be taking advantage, but unfortunately, I know some of you aren' least not as much as you'd like to. At our meetups I'll sometimes hear people say things like "I'd like to come out more, but I'm constantly stuck in long Zoom meetings," or "I couldn't come out until after my daily check-in with my boss." The subtext of...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Howdy co-remote workers of the Triangle! I hope summer is finding you well and you're managing to take some good vacations, as well as using your location-independence to maximize your travel time with "workations." That concept often gets a bad rap – as if vacationing should be sacrosanct and not to be spoiled by any whiff of work. But the longer I remote work, the more I'm coming to appreciate workations...not just for the practical utility of increasing the length and frequency of travel...

almost 2 years ago • 6 min read
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